
Manages the mapping between learning objectives and Rogo questions.  

Objectives are either stored within Rogo or externally in the Curriculum Mapping system.

Module Setup

Rogo manages objectives on a modular basis.  You need to edit the module through Manage Modules and enable the Mapping setting.  Then from the Objectives API dropdown you select <No lookup> for internally managed objectives, or a specific external API.

Internally-Held Objectives

If internal objectives have been managed, then you browse to the module folder, click on the Manage Objectives link on the sidebar, and then they are displayed grouped in sessions:

You can from this screen:

You add objectives to the session by clicking New and clicking the up/down arrows to move them around:

Curriculum Map Objectives

If the module has been linked to an external Objectives API, you will; not be able to edit the objectives directly when you click Manage Objectives.  Instead all the objectives for that module will be displayed:


Copying objectives

When copying a paper the objectives mapped to the paper/questions can also be copied over.