Purpose: Holds information about users (staff, students and external examiners).
Joins: sid, logX, special_needs table.

passwordchar(90)Encrypted password
gradechar(30)Degree or programme of student students are on
surnamechar(35)Last name
usernamechar(15)Username (should match LDAP where required)
emailchar(65)Email address

Role of the current user (staff, student, sysadmin, etc). See also User Roles

This field was removed in Rogo 7.2.0

idint(10) unsignedPrimary Key – auto increment.
first_nameschar(60)First names
special_needstinyint(4)Flag where a student has special needs (see special_needs table)
yearofstudytinyint(4)Year of study for students
user_deleteddatetimeStores when a user was deleted. NULL = still live.
password_expireint(11) unsignedDate when cached password will expire. Set to NULL so passwords do not expire in Rogo (i.e. for locally stored passwords)