Purpose: Holds information about student computer labs.
Joins: client_identifiers table.

idsmallint(5) unsignedPrimary Key – auto increment.
namevarchar(255)Name of the lab
campusvarchar(255)Campus that the lab is on
buildingvarchar(255)Building name that the lab is in
room_novarchar(255)Room number of the lab
timetablingtextTextual description about how the lab can be booked/timetabled for exams
it_supporttextTextual description about any IT support for the lab
plagarismtextTextual description about what stepts to minimise plagarism should be made for this lab

The Information below is for an in development branch of Rogo

Purpose: Holds information about student computer labs.

Version: 6.1

Joins: client_identifiers, campus.

idsmallint(5) unsignedPrimary Key – auto increment. 
namevarchar(255)Name of the lab 
campusint(8)Campus that the lab is onFOREIGN KEY campus.id
buildingvarchar(255)Building name that the lab is in 
room_novarchar(255)Room number of the lab 
timetablingtextTextual description about how the lab can be booked/timetabled for exams 
it_supporttextTextual description about any IT support for the lab 
plagarismtextTextual description about what stepts to minimise plagarism should be made for this lab